A Message From God

The Word of God

God does not love us for who we are. He loves us because of whom He is. God’s nature and essence IS love [1]. He demonstrates His love by lavishing it on undeserving people, who are in rebellion against Him. (A message from God.)

v16 I love you all so much that I sent my one and only Son [2] to die for you. Some will believe and some will not [3]. Therefore, whosoever will believe in Him will not perish, but will have life everlasting with me, My Son, the Holy spirit, and those who have gone before you.
v17 However, do not worry [4], I didn’t send My Son to condemn any of you. On the contrary, I sent Him that you, through Him, might be saved. [John 3:16, 17]

God talks to us through the Word, which is Jesus the Christ! God inspired all His Word [5] to the writers of the Bible. The Bible was penned by over forty writers on three continents over a span of several centuries. By filtering His thoughts through His holy prophets, each writer was moved (inspired) by the Holy Spirit to record the thoughts of God in their own words, in third person, especially in the Old Testament.  (However, in the Bible, God spoke to mankind in the first person many times.)

God’s Word is the Logos spoken to all mankind. When the Holy Spirit communicates a specific verse to a specific person, it becomes the rhema word of God. It is exciting for me to reconstruct the POV [6] from third to first person POV. It is as though God is speaking directly to me, like I have done above.

Thank you, Lord, for your Word, which communicates your will and guidance for our lives. Your Word is the greatest story ever told Lord. I thank you, Lord, that your Word continues to inspire us. Lord, please guide and teach me in evangelizing others. I want everyone to have what I have, in you. In your precious name, AMEN.

We answer back to God through our prayers.


Next week: Talking to God. I’ll start with part one of many in a series on prayer. Three main aspects of Staying on Course with Jesus and Living in His presence is through our Worship, reading His Word, adhering to its precepts, and through our prayer back to Him. God speaks to us through His Word and we answer back to Him through our prayers.


[1] 1 John 4:8
[2] This distinguishes the difference between the ONLY SON of God and the many sons (and daughters) of God. Jesus was always the only Son of God, whereas we are children of God through faith in Him.
[3] Romans 3:3-23
[4] Matthew 6:34
[5] 2 Timothy 3:16
[6] Point Of View